Lynn Van der Veer President lynn@atomicweb.com Launched Atomicweb in 1995 for pioneering webware and Web site development solutions for government, non-profit, corporate and small business clients. Heading new business development, strategic planning, account supervision. With more than twenty years experience, long-time consultant for Fortune 500 companies and the Federal Government.

Don Dailey Marketing Director don@daileydirect.com Direct marketing creative and production, consumer and B-to-B, all media; advertising concepts and art direction, using digital and traditional media; publication management, including brochures, annual reports, catalogs; graphic design of logos, visual identity systems, collateral materials. Partner with Atomicweb, LLC, owner Dailey Direct, whose clients include International Monetary Fund (IMF), Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, UTC Research, Aspen Publishers, Highlights for Children, Ranger Rick, Smithsonian Institution, National Wildlife Federation, World Wildlife Fund, Warren Publishing, American Chemistry Council, National Fisheries Institute, Market Research.

Lanny Chambers Systems and Customer Support/Web Designer lanny@atomicweb.com Former free-lance graphic designer and chief designer for Web development company. For the last ten years, senior web designer and customer support manager for erectr.com. Specialties include: current Web technologies, copywriting, content development, editing, customer training and support.
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Steve Chambers Web Designer steve@atomicweb.com Fifteen years experience in Web site /software development. Twenty years experience as designer with Creative Services. Art Director for ten years at the Adams/Publishing Groups, with awards for work on Bell Atlantic, AARP, and more. Spearheaded projects for NASA, including nasa.gov, leading to the invention of the Web's first content management system, Website2Go.com, and with it the launch of Atomicweb LLC, our corporate entity for software development. Check out Steves Poster Store and Steves Ant Farm, one of the first webcams on the internet, and is the original antcam (1994).
Kirt Stanfield Senior Programmer/Systems Administrator kirt@atomicweb.com Over 30 years providing systems design and implementation of leading edge technology. Experience includes power engineering, ecommerce, banking (risk management), defining architecture, and managing projects to fulfill expectations and budgetary requirements. Experience includes taking software through its entire life cycle. Prior to joining Atomicweb/erectr.com, worked full time at General Electric for eighteen years. Expert in: ASP, C, JSP, C++, java, Apache, perl, php, Linux, Fortran, HTML, JavaScript, Embedded SQL/C, Oracle, Informix mySql and SQL Server 2000 Servers, UNIX, Linux. Solid knowledge of TCP/IP networks and EDI.